Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ashley Court Day, happy and sad

Today was a tough and joy-filled day. I returned to my service at Ashley Court after a couple of months off. I am so happy to be back, because that place just fills you! And since I've been going for about 4 years, there is a sense of family and returning home. You go in and you look around at all the familiar faces, and start to hug and kiss everyone.  Then what  happens is that you realize all the people that have died while you were away.  Sweet Joyce, Mary Luther-who I would bring communion to in her room, Marge, Big Bill the Marine(who ran for first base in our first Young Neighbors softball game) and several others. And Arthur is dying today--he is in his bed, looking like Dad did on his last day. His son the priest is in town, his brother and his daughter were there today. They asked me to pray with them, which is so amazingly wonderful and hard. I talked about how special Arthur was and how much I loved to dance with him, and hugged his daughter tightly. I also put a tiny crumb of the Body of Christ in his cheek, just like Daddy, his last food on earth is his first food in heaven.
The kids all went with me, and seeing them with the residents makes me so proud. Bertha in building 3 was very upset today and was crying when Danny and I arrived there. He went right to her and held her hands, she wouldn't let him go, so he just crouched there and comforted her.
 "They'll know we are Christians by our love"

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