Saturday, August 20, 2011

Charlotte heads to Camp Fishtales

We left the house at 8:15 and headed north to Pinnconing. We arrived at Camp Fishtales right on time and were first to check in and get Charlotte her pick of bunk beds! The camp is small and cute looking and the leaders seemed really friendly. It is a small group and I think she will do great. It is especially god that it is only 2 nights and 3 days, this will be perfect for her.  After we left we stopped at the Pinconning Cheese factory outlet. They had at least 20 different types of cheese samples, including chocolate cheese! We bought a bunch of different kinds including horseradish with pickles(Dad, that one's for you!) At home we ate lunch and watched some Johnny Quest while a rain storm passed through, then went out to do some shower shopping. Jerry,Molly and Danny went to the Howell bowl-a-drome for a night of bowling as a fundraiser for Special Ministries. They had a blast! Then we had a ping pong tourney, while watching the Tigers win big! Ended the night with a couple of episodes of McHales Navy, our latest favourite show! An excellent day:)
Charlotte's camp

Charlotte's cabin

the fishing lake

the cheese outlet...milk that giant cow!!

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