Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monday 8/22/11 First Day of School!

I'm excited and I think Danny is too! I have him set his alarm for 8am. I get up at 6:30 and run 5miles and start on my coffee intake! Day sets up like this:
8am-coffee/cocoa on sunporch with a read-aloud
8:30 breakfast and reading
8:50 dress/tidy self and room
9-10 English-today did grammar and poetry/reading for content
10-10:15 Jump on the trampoline
10:15 Math

This was the first day, so some things on the computer didn't work as planned, and I needed to make 2 calls to the company, and change settings,shutdown and restart, the usual! But hopefully tomorrow. will be better.
We went to get Charlotte from 12-4, then finished up the math when we got home. Each day will include 45 minutes of reading, and all books will have a short oral or written book review done. So far, that's where I'm at!

Charlotte seemed to have fun, but threw a big tantrum at dinner, possibly needing to let her freak out after holding it together for 2 days, but it sure made you feel nostalgic for last night when dinner was so peaceful. Still trying to resolve this...

We stopped at the Birch Run outlets, hadn't been in years. I remember driving up to them whenever Susan would come out here, so we could go to the Esprit outlet. Danny got some new "school clothes", it will be weird not having a uniform to put on/worry about.

Starting to get a little worried about my week,work tomorrow night, boss the next night, then shower Saturday...wish me luck!!!

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