Thursday, August 11, 2011

The saga continues..

Well, Jake had told us he was going to spend the day with us, but based on previous experience, I figured I see them when I saw them...and it's a good thing I did. Molly ran, then went down to Fairway Trails to hang out with Anne, Lila and Emma. She had a great time, and when I went to pick her up at 3:30 Jake still wasn't at our house! Charlotte and I had a nice relaxing morning and a trip to Borders to check out their going out of business sale. We shooting baskets when they arrived around 4pm. We all shot around, then Jake took the girls downstairs to play a Wii game he had brought. Cammy gave me a LONG list of guests for the shower, with no email addresses. So off to Target to snag some invites, because I can't use evites for her folks--Grrr. then back home to start writing them up. We decide to go to Zukey Lake Tavern and treat Jake to his favourite meal-the wet burrito! Our meal is great and enjoyable, and we add a short walk after we are done.  When we get home we chat a bit, then they head back to Cammy's mom's place.  It continues to be mentally exhausting for me, and very emotional. At one point, Cammy said something like "Jake has told me about all the tough things he went through when he was growing up" Jake Hincka? I'm thinking? a tough life? alrighty. Then she goes on to say "but don't worry, not all the things he told me were bad, he remembers a few happy moments" Oh really! Okay! So even though I know it is ridiculous to get upset, it still feels so terrible to sit and imagine that Jake has been bad mouthing his family to this gal for the past 3 years. Jerry says that I shouldn't pay any is HARD!

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