Friday, August 12, 2011

Fun with Leah!

this is Leah's favourite colour so I figured I'd use it!  I enjoyed a fitness/counseling walk with Shawne at 8am this morning, so nice! We spent the morning on chores and a costco run, then picked up Leah. The girls did lots of beads, read stories, coloured, played animals and tag, jumped on the was a great day. I snuck out for a quick visit to Karen's patio to catch up before they head up north tonight, then on to Maine. We had a chance to catch up on all our kids and I gave her a good book to read on her vacation.
Then back to the house to fix dinner, I made stuffed peppers which got rave reviews. And now the girls and Jer are watching the Tigers, dressed in their Lions Garb, waiting for the Lions to kick-off at 9:30pm(doubt Charlotte will make it!)
I can't wait to get Danny back tomorrow, I hope that he had a fantastic week. We take off at 7am, with Rhonda and Ryan joining us to get Collin! Should be a fun trip.

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