Monday, August 1, 2011

Beach Day

Oh boy, you forget just how nice the ocean is when you don't go all the time. It was a perfect beach day, the water was 66, no bugs,no jellies, no crowds. Just perfect! We went to Ortley Beach so that Mom wouldn't have to walk too far, and since we were there early we got a super good parking spot. Danny and Chris were in the water the whole time, and the girls were in quite alot. Even Nana got in, though I had to hold her up. It was actually sweet! We went home at 2ish, in time for one 15 min. swim at the clubhouse, and lunch. Then we left at 3 to beat the traffic. Called and grabbed Allie and went to Angelato's for gelato. The kids loved it! Danny had pistachio and death by chocolate, Molly had a toothache in a cup--cookie dough and rice krispie treat, and the other kids had lots of good stuff! The place was really cute. It was a nice visit to Mom, frustrating but fun! Just struggling to reconcile what she needs with what she thinks she needs(or doesn't need) and what she wants.

Jersey Shore, what's up!!

bathing beauty

Chris and his hole

holding Mom like she used to hold me

ridin the waves


hitting the surf

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