Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Boss dinner- A Success!

Well, big event 1 is done!
Brian and Jerry arrived home from the office around 4:30, and we all headed to the park.  We ran about 4 miles and then did a relay race! Brian is a great sport and seemed to enjoy himself. When we got home the men took a shower and we ate dinner. I had prepared stuffed peppers,  cheddar,bacon mini corn bread loaves, and applesauce. After some ping pong and shuffleboard, we have cake-a from scratch buttermilk poppy seed bundt cake with french silk icing! The whole meal gets rave reviews, but who knows if he is just being nice. The other fantastic thing, he and Jerry put the old couch out in the garage, so now I can set up the living room with small card tables!
Danny's school went well, we opened the day with mass.  Father Karl told me/Danny that he was really happy that we were homeschooling! I was surprised because I thought that he might wonder why we weren't at St. Pats. I feel very blessed as we start the year.
the cake-yum!

Brian and Molly

the running group

you too Kerry, get in there...OK!

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