Monday, August 8, 2011

24 Blissfull years!!!

So 24 years ago today Jerry and I got married! Time flys fast and slow, you know? I think we are still pretty happy, and have survived some challenging times..and still are! I hope we continue to grow together, and enjoy at least 24 more years!
Charlotte and I ran 4.03 miles this morning, and we ran errands together.  We picked up some fun baby items, which Molly especially enjoyed. In the afternoon Charlotte went to the movies with her friend Liz, third showing of Harry Potter, which made her very happy. Then they came back here and played and hung out til about 7:30. Jer and I had the thrilling evening of, wait for it, Going to Wal-mart!
Yes, I know, what a thrilling celebration! But at least we spent time together.
Waiting to hear from Jake and Cammy about their plans for the rest of the week.

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