Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday 8/13 3 days in one! (at least it feels that way!)

7am-pile into the Traverse to head for Springhill with Molly,Charlotte,Jerry, Rhonda and Ryan. The ride flies by with our company, and the kids munch granola bars and juice.
9:30 am- gates open and we get Danny's luggage on New Fro, turn around and get Collin's on Storybrook, turn around and park at New fro, take a walk, check out, go to the trading post, then go to the auditorium for mini rallies(big rally rained out)
10:45 Rally for Collin's group of Scurvy Dogs! He seems like he had a great time but looks really tired!
11:15 Danny's mini rally in the gym. He was a bit homesick on Mon and Tuesday, but only when things slowed down, so his counselors helped him work it out and he had a great week.
12noon  On the road home. We pass out banana chips, drinks and home baked cookies and tell the kids they'll get lunch when we get home.
2:30 HOME! The michigan autobahn was in full swing today and we flew! Sandwiches served to everyone!
3:30 pm  Arbours leave, Jake and Cammy arrive. We have a fire going and we all do S'mores, which Danny missed at campfire Thursday night, and he feels happy about it!
5:30  After hanging out outside, we move to the kitchen and play Greed,all together...FUN!
6:45  Jake and I shoot out to grab him a haircut, in a sprinkle which turns into a blowing monsoon as soon as I am on the road! Running from the car into the hairplace at Walmart, we are soaked to the skin!
7:30 Meet up at Leo's for a family dinner to farewell Jakie at his favourite old haunt. I would have cooked had I known how long they could stay!
9pm We give Jake and Cammy some of Jake's old baby clothes(his santa suit, the little red sweater set form my old Ecco Bosses) and some photos. They seem to like them. Jake suddenly decides he'd like his guitar,his warhammer things and some books...okay, down to the basement to tear it apart and locate these boxes. Found them-good! place looks like a bomb went off-bad!
9:30pm Goodbye to Jake and Cammy-we will miss Jake, it was great to see him. We plan to head to Fort Drum soon.

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