Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday August 29 Molly rocks her speech!

Well after much practice, and not a lot of sleep, Molly knocked her speech out of the park! There were about 350 people at the opening day for LESA teachers and staff, and the goal was to get them inspired for the new school year. I think her speech did just that! The day opened with the bell choir, which Molly is a member of, ringing America The Beautiful. Then Jacque did a little intro about  Molly, then she stepped up, raised the mike up like we had showed her, and spoke, slowly and clearly, and even waited for the applause which kept breaking out to die down before she went on... WOW!!!
She spoke about how she had been in the LESA program for 19 years, and had learned to walk on the old pathways building with the help of PT Robyn Acker(formerly Uitti). Later this evening, when I was at work, Robyn and Kate actually came over to the house, Robyn was so moved she had to come and see Molly and tell her what a great job she had done! So I am super happy and proud!

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