Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday August 2 the end of the NJ idle

Oh woe, always tough to come to the end of the trip. In the same way that you know it is time to go(host children sick of yours..ETC!) and your kids are ready to go home to their own beds, you want to stay!  That's the tough part about living so far away from Susan and Donnie and Mom,  if we were closer, we could visit all the time without having to move in!
While Susan took Jamie to an apmnt, I took the kids to the movies to see Zookeeper, and did a little Yankees shopping at Marshalls while the show was on. Now all I have to do is not give it to Charlotte before Christmas...yeah right!We lazed away the afternoon on the deck and in the pool, then Claire and I went out to do a senior photo session. Though my "good " camera was out of juice, I think they came out great and it was fun! Susan and I went to a quirky old theatre in Chatham and saw
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, we had both loved the book, and the movie did not disappoint.A great
last day!

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