Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday July 31 Down the shore

By 9am I am on the road to the beach, a visit to my Mom in the works. We put on the audio-book  Shark beneath the Reef by Jean Craighead George and the miles just fly by. It is an excellent story set in Baja and Mexico,with a male 14 year old main character, Tomas, and the boys love it. Beautiful descriptions of the reefs, makes me want to go diving!  We go down to Mom's pool from 11-2, then have a nice lunch on the patio. Charlotte enjoys the afternoon Yankee game.  We go to play miniature golf at the worlds most poorly maintained course! It is full of sticks, leaves, live groundhogs running around, it is crazy! But we laugh our way through it, doing toe hits and backwards shots, anything to make it fun. Back at home we eat dinner and watch Princess and the Frog, which Nana and the boys had never seen, and that is really enjoyable.

Nana kept score!

Chris knocks one in

Danny up on the wall for a shot

Christopher makes a toe shot!

hole in one??

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