Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday August 4th --House Cleaning

Spoiler Alert: life secrets revealed in this post....
Why does the house look messy when you get home from vacation? Jerry was here, but how messy could he be?! I cleaned before I left....ghosts with dirty shoes?!
Anyway, spent time cleaning the basement and the main floor, bathrooms included! Go Me!
Started off the morning with a run and a Meijer trip, restocked sandwich stuff,milk and other goodies, ready for our dinner party. Cooked the chile in the crock pot, and was all set by 6pm for Jake and Cammy to arrive. Phone call, delay,arrive at 7:00. Oh well, at least they called!
Toughest time was at the beginning..I had trouble making myself walk onto the porch. Once there I did play the gracious hostess, and Jake certainly was a sight for sore eyes. More than one year since we had seen him. He chatted about his plans for the next sign up for the Army and what he might switch to, job wise. He and Danny trampolined!  After dinner they showed the kids ultra-sound pics of the baby, which is due at the end of September. Just after the one year aniv. of marriage. We were not in the loop at the time, but are working hard to get there. We played darts,pingpong, etc. and Danny presented our "from scratch"cake, and it was a big hit. Double chocolate(Sooz-take note!) They asked if they could spend the night, and though awkward, I thought why not? So they did, and when I went to bed(after putting on clean sheets,vacuuming,laying out towels, etc. UGH! But good to get all the junk cleared out and just have Jake home, YAY!

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