Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby Shower- T-minus 2 days and counting

Here we go! First a meeting to rehearse Molly's speech to the LESA staff on Monday-she needs to practice! Then a Dunkin run for the kids to spend the gift cards that Brian gave then, latte's and donuts for all. next stop Gordon Foods, the restaurant supply store for muffins,croissants,etc. Home,school with Danny,then to the Party city store to get the pink and brown table goods, then home to set it up, Back out to get Ryan,who is spending the night, then fix dinner and set up living room for the party. serve dinner, then kids off to soccer with Jerry, and me to Costco. More food, more money! Yikes, what will Jer say when he sees the bills. And I haven't even bought the crib yet! Started cooking, made coleslaw, cooked the chicken ,and made the potato salad. GO ME!

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