Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mass x 2!

Hey let's go to 11:30 mass this morning..the kids can sleep in, especially Danny, and I can help my friend Linda who needs an EM sub. Great plan right?! We relax and drink coffee and have breakfast, change and head out. While I'm signing in for communion, I glance down and see our name below. WHAT??? We are scheduled for 5pm.! I feel so bad! But we were meant to be at the first mass, Father Mark's homily speaks directly to our hearts regarding our latest situation and addition to the family. lesson- no matter what the question is, LOVE is the answer!
Home we go, to some paper reading, a big family workout(and cleaning up all the junk I pulled out while finding the stuff Jake wanted to take with him)and before you knew it it was time to get dressed in church clothes again and head back to St. Pats. Father Karl says this mass, and it is actually a vigil mass for the Assumption tomorrow of the Blessed Mother. We got to sing Salve Regina! And Danny made it through the mass without feeling sick. I had a roast in the oven, with beef from the freezer in the ongoing ETI plan and I'm happy about that. Danny and Jerry watch Duck Soup curled up in the chair together, and their laughter fills my heart.

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