Friday, August 19, 2011

Howell Melon Run 2011

melon ice cream

the family that runs together stays together!

Danny and Jacob

fun in Howell

cartwheel finish

Molly limps in, but she makes it!

running Danny in.....

toughest 10 year old in town

sweaty and triumphant

goofing with the Sapienza kids

Coach PJ gives Charlotte a boost!

testing the medical staff at the melon run!

Molly and Danny after he received his cup for second place!

What a night! We watched toddlers roll melons(downhill, so it was a hoot!) then kids run the mile, then we all took off in the 5K and 10K. It was hot, but the course was beautiful, and we all finished in good time. Hung out with the Sapienza family, Russ and Amy, who are SO coaches, and Karol Christianson, who lives right on the course and came to cheer us on. Free melon ice cream to the runners too! Danny felt sick afterwards, and we had to skip a late snack at Karols and head home. Probably just as well, we got home after 10 and had to take showers! And we were hungry, because with the race timing we didn't eat dinner. So we all got to bed late, tired but proud!

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