Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Forced to go to IKEA!! poor me!

I had some things to give to Cammy that had been left from the shower on Saturday. I was going to put them in the mail, but after I made the scrapbook and some gifts were delivered here, I thought, "this is stupid, she lives 45 minutes away...so I did the good thing, and called and arranged to meet her. And in trying to come up with a good spot, decided that the Ford rd. Tim Horten's would be a likely spot...what's that you say? why yes, that is the IKEA exit! Coincidence? I think not!! So after we met up and passed off the things to Cammy, we zoomed over to IKEA and did some shopping. If Charlotte was heading to college(wish it was so...) we would be buying her all kinds of things, so we bought a chair, a new pasheena(spelling of this Polish word?!) cover, a shelf, and another stuffed dog for her "collection"! Danny also got some things to update his space...now we just have to organize it. His clothes are getting so big that they don't really fit in his dresser anymore..so we will reorganize his clubhouse/closet, and see how we do there.
Had more leftovers for dinner, and spent the evening happily following those Swedish picture directions we love so much, Life is Good!

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