Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who's sick of Black Friday??!

OMG! Is it just me or is the black Friday build-up insane? I just don't remember all this hulabaloo in years past. We have had the pre-black Friday sale, the beat black-Friday sale by shopping on thanksgiving, the we open at 10pm Thursday so you don't have to wait for black-Friday! Oh man, I'm sick of it and I haven't even hit Thursday!  Well I don't know if I'm heading out or not...are you?  I'll check out the circulars and let you know!
We had a mellow day today, slept in, made pancakes were relaxing when the phone rang and oops, I'm supposed to be at Ashley Court! Charlotte and I hopped out of pj's into jeans, shot to church for the Eucharist, then over to AC. Of course we were both so happy to be there, everyone was happy to see us, especially Charlotte. Charlotte was super chatty today, which was neat. The kids did alot of beads and they enjoyed that.  Did a bit of "work" with my Portland friends, and then Jer took us out to Zukey Lake for a pre-race meal.  We also swung through the old 'hood to drop off the pumpkin bread I had made.  Lindsay and Russ are in town, and we hope to get a visit in on Saturday. Then, oh happy day! (thanks Saint Anthony) I found my missing Kohls Cash-whhooott!  Ran out at 7pm, Jer came along and got some new business clothes and I got boots for Molly and shoes for me.  So glad I got to spend it, the thought of losing it was killing me!
So early to bed, we're up at 5:15 to gobble on down to Detroit to start our Turkey Trot!

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