Sunday, November 14, 2010

Friday 11/12 Mother Goose is loose!

Mother Goose is on the loose again, kickin it with 75 Brighton Mom's and kiddies...we read Where's Spot?
and Hide and Seek Pets story, and one called "who will play with me?" . Favourite dance tune is the Greg and Steve compilation of the Chicken Dane, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, and Head-Shoulders-Knees and Toes.  "Shake it likes it's Friday" I shout!  We had a family donate a huge jug of animal crackers so the snacks go on, in spite of our budget crisis.  Big Fun!
Tough being there and thinking about Sandy, last week we were missing her, but still prayerfully optimistic for her recovery.  Now its the grieving and moving on part.  Roseanne made a beautiful collage of photos of Sandy in action at the library and hung it up in the department. She also hung the apron Sandy wore for storytime in the activity room, which looks just right. Thanks Roseanne! The smiles help the grief.
Jerry took all the kiddies to BBall and Leo's while Shawne and I spent a couple of blissful hours at our favourite boutique(you know what I'm talking about!).  Sweaters were 50% off and blue tags 8 for $5!  Superb! Hope I continue to be a good example to the kids about the value of the dollar, the fun of  treasure hunting, and how its good for the earth to buy used!

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