Friday, November 19, 2010

11/18 Thursday- no snappy title!

Only November and already I've lost my ability to title the blog posts?  Oh NO! I will try to work on the creativity.  Karen and I took a brisk several mile walk after I dropped Danny off this am. What a great chance to catch up with my dear friend. I then spent most of the day baking, and getting ready for Charlotte's cross country awards ceremony, packing the girls up for their sleepover and also getting ready for Danny's party.  The CC thing started at 6:45 and ended at 10"30! UGH! Jer and Danny left at 8:30 and I left at 9:15. Picked up the girls later! Just couldn't listen to all the people talking about the "Fantastic Gary Meehan" who is retiring after 33 years. I wish him well, but I'm done!  Jer had a productive couple of days in Florida and got back in time for BBall practice.  Moving forward away from BHS, every day in that direction is great!

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