Tuesday, November 30, 2010

okay I lied!- Monday 11/29 Leah's Birthday!

Okay, so it's tonight! Sorry, it was a busy day! So yesterday..Monday...tried to get alot done.Charlotte was pretty traumatized about going back to school, thanks to Mr. V for helping with that transition. Molly and Danny went back no sweat.  Danny's fundraiser came in, so after school we took Leah's cake and went over to FT. Danny and Jack delivered all the goodies, and then we joined the Wisbo's for a sloppy joe supper. We all had activities to get to so it was quick but fun! Leah loved her Pillow Pal- As seen on TV! and her outfit and game. Can't believe she is five! Still pretty nuts over there with Mike's Mom's 2 dogs..Shawne is a saint to have them so long. Prepping for our trip on Wednesday.

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