Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mom's Taxi at your service!

Oh yeah, the Tuesday drive, to HSchool ,home, to ST. Pats, home, back to Hschool to get Charlotte, drop her at St. Pats for work, home, go get Charlotte, take her back to school, go get molly in howell, go to St. Pats to pick up Danny, drop him at home with Charlotte,take Molly to dentist, home ,serve dinner, take Charlotte,Danny and I to dentist, then home!(meanwhile Jer did the run of Molly to her second dress rehearsal out in Pickney)
So day is good, but in spite of my best efforts, not alot gets done! AAarrgh!
Should be upstairs packing, the car is coming at 6am, so I better stop writing and talk more tomorrow.
ps. no one had any cavities!

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