Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday 11/22 Kids rule the roost!

Vacation has begun and we've got all kids all the time, just how I like it! Ryan spent the night and they woke up and started playing in Danny's room. Had to drag them down for breakfast at 10am! I am so glad that Danny has such a good friend. Ryan is a great kid and we like his folks, that just makes it so much  easier, you know what I mean? Anyway, Shawne then dropped off Sophie and Leah and took Charlotte with her, Alex and Jack to see Harry Potter (Charlotte on time 2, in her glory!).  Leah and Molly played Betty's and Build-a-Bear, while Danny,Sophie and Ryan played electronic Life and keepaway,pingpong, and throwing things at each other! All I know is that there is alot of laughter in the house and that is a sound I can never get enough of.  In between raindrops they all jumped on the trampoline, playing the favourite game "tag and the it has to keep his eyes closed" When Charlotte was dropped off, Leah left but Jack stayed and after dinner I took them to the library for a jewelery making class with  Roseanne.  She runs the best programs, and the kids made bracelets that were gorgeous(Danny made one for me!)  Came home with thoughts of basement cleaning, but instead went up to bed with my book. I needed to finish it it was so good!  Susan had recommended it,  The River Wife by Jonis Agee(who used to be a Prof at U of M!) So, so much for my cleaning and my blogging! Getting busy on both this am.!

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