Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blogging about Tuesday on Tuesday!

Blogging about Tuesday on Tuesday, life is back to normal! I'm not sure how working in the cafeteria at St. Pats is a forward movement, that's how I spent Tuesday! Charlotte does a fantastic job washing trays and other cleaning jobs every Tuesday. She always has a smile, even in the faces of taco meat and gooey cheese!  I also had a chance to do a little Christmas shopping, I'm hoping to lessen the big bills in December.  The weather was the other big story today, 62 degrees, and basketball all afternoon! We are supposed to have this nice mild weather all week.
My book club met tonight, we discussed The Beach Trip which we all enjoyed.  Rhonda is choosing the next book, and we're going to reconvene in January after the bustle of Christmas is over.
Watched my 2 TV shows, NCIS Los Angeles and The Good Wife, both were great, and I'm off to bed to read now, What are you reading? Let me know! Kerry

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