Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday- is this your end of the week or your start??

Today's question? Is Sunday the end of the week for you or the beginning of the week?  For me it is the end of the week.  I like to reflect in church on the past week, and see where I need to adjust my course. I like to close things out and think and plan for Monday as my blast-off for another fantastic week(a girl can dream can't she?!)  Jer and I got up early and tiptoed out to 8'oclock mass, just the two of us.  Several people asked us where the kids were(like we might have them tied up somewhere) but it was very nice to be alone.  Father Karl said mass and he talked about perseverance as a christian. About not giving up or saying I do things pretty good most of the time, so that's good enough, but about striving to be the best,fullest follower of JESUS we can be each day.  We had been talking about Danny and his problem with being mad if he isn't great at something instantly, and wanting to give up. This is a trait that served his brother very poorly, and we are trying to head it off in Danny. Anyway this gave us alot to think about re:D, but also re:ourselves..and my moving forward this week is focusing on optimism,joy and perseverance.  Still thinking about the tattoo!
Went to Kohls to do some Christmas shopping with Karen's 30% (thanks girlfriend!) and then to Sandy's wake. Not much to say about that, just sadness.
Served an awesome Turkey Soup, it's a Thanksgiving recipe which involves a turkey carcass, can of cranberry sauce, gravy, veggies,etc.  Threw in homestyle egg noodles, and served sweet potato bread. Yum!
Jerry,Molly Danny and I played the dice game Greed..have you tried it? If not it's a great stocking stuffer, I'm happy because I won!
The girls went to their youth groups, Charlotte-Catholic, Molly-Methodist! and Danny and I sat by the fire and read(and blogged) I have started a kids book called My one hundred adventures  by Polly Horvath, one of my favourite authors. She wrote Everything on a Waffle and I highly recommend them both.
Happy end of the week(or beginning!)

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