Monday, November 8, 2010

Everybody's working on the weekend! Saturday 11/6

Brighton District Library was the weekend destination, and I spent Sat and Sun "toiling away".  Not really! It was good to have a few hours that I wasn't doing a story time to do some planning and help out with some dept. projects.  Jerry and I had an at home movie night and watched Date Night with Steve Carroll and Tina Fey.  I thought it would just be a laugh, but it was  actually very poignant.  It must have been written by someone who has been married at least 15 years, and who loves being married but knows how easy it is fall into a rut.  I found alot of parallels and alot of food for thought.  Must add doing new things in the marriage to my goals for the year(or at least start saying yes to dinner invites!) 

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