Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday Time with my friends!

Yay! The kids are old enough to stay alone, and so off to the movies I go with Shawne, Karen and Inez! We saw Morning Glory, premise..girl who wants to be working on the today show is stuck on Good Morning New Jersey! And in keeping with the Jersey jokes, that is a fate worse than death. Luckily this is the movies, so Manhattan can't be far away. Won't spoil it, but it was very cute.  Jack and Leah spent the day over here, keeping my kids happy. Charlotte Jack and Alex had teen advisory board and Mol had chorale.  I made a killer pot of cheeseburger soup and toasted up some sweet potato bread to go with, yum!  I think my thought for today is no matter how messy your house is, if you have a chance to be with friends, GO! The mess will wait for you...mine did!

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