Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thought I'd get more done....Saturday 11/13

The story of Saturdays sometimes, see if you're so happy to see that you have no plans for Saturday. You say to yourself, "wow, I'm gonna get a ton accomplished!"  Then you do the dishes, throw in a load of laundry and its can this be? you wonder. Head off to Wal-mart for shopping and
hi-jinks with Danny and that's great and I buy a ton, but then its 3pm when you get home! Gotta eat and have some coffee, and put away all the stuff we bought....then its time to go get the girls. Danny stays home with Jack(he's legal!) and I drive to Fowlerville to Saint Agnes where the girls have done a Holy Spirit retreat and its 4:15.  Mol informs me she is going to church at 5, so drive back into Brighton and over to church and drop off the girls(Charlotte decides to go to,to pray for the buckeyes who are down at the half to
Penn state!) then back's 5:10.  Throw together the dinner, get Jack and Danny, drive back into town, drop off Jack and pick up the girls at church and drive back's 6:30.  Hustle through dinner and head downstairs for our planned movie night. Charlotte and I are excited to show Danny and Molly the first Harry Potter movie..Danny finished the book on Thursday.  Try to stay awake through most of it, and I love watching Danny watch it, he is really enjoying the series...he is on page 76 of book three already!
Jer arrives safely back from Ohio, gone 12 hours, 6 of which were spent driving! what a guy, he wants to be home to go to church on Sunday.
So to sum up, hardly got anything on my list done, but had alot of fun anyway! you know what I mean?!
ps. Buckeyes come back in the second half and beat Penn State-oh the power of prayer!

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