Monday, November 15, 2010

Choose Joy

Went to Sandy's funeral this morning. It was a celebration of her life, with lots of great stories told by her family,friends and co-workers. I had a chance to speak briefly, and the pastor also read an email I sent to Sandy's sister. This was a surprise to me. At first I was a little embarrassed, but then I realized that it was to bring comfort to her family and if it did then it's all good. Her pastor spoke alot about how Sandy was brave and fearless in her love of the Lord and giving of her time and talents. A good reminder to me. Came home and got some tension out by cleaning all the wood floors in the house with the steam mop. Also worked in the garage, and almost got 2 cars in! I was just a little nervous without an outside guider, so maybe when Jer gets home from Florida I can do it.  The purging continues to go well.   Worked at the library from 5-9, busy in spurts, then slow! Spent some time with Margaret talking about Sandy and that felt good.
Got home in time to say prayers with Danny, so my day ended on a great note-I am blessed.

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