Saturday, November 6, 2010

Last day in LA Thursday 11/4

Molly and I got up at 6:30, so we could do another new thing, jog along the Pacific!  We headed down from the hotel, and did 5 miles! GO US!  Back at the hotel, lemon water in the lobby, then a dip in the pool (why not?!) and showers, packing and goodbye room, lobby to meet the gang at 8:30.  We head down south in Santa Monica to Lime, a sound studio that has amazing coffee, its own Chef making breakfast to order and a great recording studio. I am doing voice over, something else new!!  Apparently according to the group, all my reading aloud all these years has payed off and I do a good job. Whew! You definitely feel out there being in a booth with headphones on, and everyone else out in the main room talking after each take, and you can't hear what they are was really another interesting learning experience. The crew, led by Jesse ends up in a couple of more heated UNO games with Molly, Jesse loses the first 2 and is freaking out! It is so funny. To make him feel better, I challenge him to a game of ping pong and let him win,...OKay, not really! I try to beat him and he kicks my dupa!  He is from Minnesota, alot of long winters playing ping pong I guess! After the session was through, i had breakfast with Molly, and we all talked, then Jen,Jesse,Tatum and Ken headed to the airport.  They left Molly and I the second car.  It was weird to say goodbye to them, we have spent SO much time together these past 4 days, its just an odd feeling, that you just met but you are so close at the same time.  Bye guys, safe trip back to Portland. Ken, enjoy Willa's first birthday and your trip to the coast!
Molly finally drags me away from the coffee, good magazines, and product filled bathroom at Lime and we head to Venice Beach.  Not a ton of bodybuilders, but a few...and a man balancing on a 3 foot high pole in a thong waving 5 snakes all around his body(no pictures allowed!), homeless guy playing concert quality piano tied to his bike parked in front of a restaurant, medical marijuana shops(the doctor is in ladies..enjoy your right to be pain free!)and lots of tattoos. But its 95 degrees at this point, so we get in the air0conditioned car for a little driving tour of marina del ray and surrounding area before heading south to the airport.  So along the way we get a nice text from Jen saying our ears must have been burning because they talked about us all the way to the airport!  That sure made me feel good!
Airport and plane ride typical and we arrive in Brighton in the black van that the driver said had been used in a Bon Jovi video. I think he wanted me to be impressed/excited, not asleep like I was!!
So ends the LA ADVENTURE...what a phenomenal time!  We are blessed.

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