Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's hard being a Mom

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's hard being a Mom

You know you need to teach your kids things; like how to behave, not to leave the seat up in the bathroom, not to snort milk out of your nose when you laugh at the dinner table, treat a date like you would want someone to treat your sister, don't take the last pancake, hold the door for someone...but the intangibles are so hard. How to teach optimism, perseverance, follow through with tasks, pride in self care(and awareness of..) these things are much harder. Struggling with that today, and concentrating on giving it to GOD. Went to mass right after work today, and Father Mark talked about JOY! which as you know is one of my favourite words( Danny was going to be Joy if he was a girl!) He reminded us that this is a joyous season and we should express that. And that there is nothing we can do for JESUS, he doesn't need anything from us.  All he wants is to be our saviour, and since we need a saviour, we should let him. OK! On my knees asking him this week to fill me with the joy of his love and presence and to save me and my kids. Are you with me?
Tonight for dinner we had pasta with homemade sauce that Jer and the kids had made from the fresh tomatoes from the farm. It was so good, they had done a great job.  We even had Gus's breadsticks to swish around our bowls to get all the sauce good!  We played 4 rounds of UNO after dinner, and we shut Molly out! this may be a record(and the source of her post game crabby-ness!) Jer=2, Charlotte=1 and Danny=1.  Danny and Jerry are watching Lord of the Rings for the first time together.  Danny is really psyched. He loved the book series, and has been anxious to see the movie.
So JOY this week as advent begins-GOD has sent his only son to earth for us, to be our saviour-say YES to him!

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