Friday, November 19, 2010

at Brighton District Library- Can you shake your fingers and do the twist?!

Spent my day at BDL, doing my storytime and other tasks.  We were quite busy, so there wasn't a dull moment. We are all still adjusting to Sandy's absense. I worked with Anne the teen librarian and that was great.  Danny is celebrating his birthday today with his friends...Decided to hop on the date since the girls were off to their Harry Potter movie/sleepover, and Danny has at times had his party in March!  Jack and Collin couldn't make it, but Ryan,Scott and Joey came for dinner, went to BBall, came back for brownies and ice cream and are now watching a movie. Danny seems to be having fun!
The Harry Potter movie took in 24 million in MIDNIGHT SHOW MONEY!  Holy gringots!  I'm sure I'll go with Charlotte next week. Have a great weekend...what are your plans? comments please!

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