Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall back-that's what I'm talkin' about! Sunday 11/7

Oh, it was great to sleep in and still get up early!  Danny,Charlotte and I went to 9:30 mass, said by Father Karl.  Our parish is focusing on the welcoming and inviting aspects of reaching out.  This week Father Karl urged us to invite someone to something we are already doing. It can be a game, a walk, to our house, to mass, anything.  And he emphasized that the asking is the act, it doesn't matter if they say Yes or not.  It is nice to be asked, and it may cause someone else to ask, or be more open to being asked.  I like this assignment, since I love to do things with people.  I invited Father Mark to come over for dinner in a couple of weeks, now that is really stepping outside my comfort zone.  Imagine me having having a priest for dinner!  I'll keep you posted.

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