Friday, November 12, 2010

The cost of home ownership! Thursday 11/11

Yikes!  That piece of siding that blew off the house is sure gonna cost us!  Spent a good portion of the day with siding and window folks, getting estimates on the repair and on the replacement cost for the front windows in the house.  Like most home maintenance, you keep thinking...for that kinda money I could put granite counter tops in the bathroom or go on  a trip..Susan you know what I'm talking about, with your "gorgeous" new roof!  It just isn't a fun way to spend many thousands of dollars!  The siding is a must though, and I'll pick in the next few days.  Also got some mundane cleaning out of the way, sheets changed,bathrooms cleaned,etc. whhoooohoo!
I got some sad news today at noon, my friend and co-worker Sandy had died.  She was in the hospital after an acute sudden attack of pancreatitis, and after 10 days, she spiked a fever and they needed to do exploratory surgery to find out why and found that her gut was basically dead.
I worked with her 2 Fridays ago, she was 57.  She was also Charlotte's favourite of my work friends, and she was devastated when I told her the news.  We had been praying for her together.  Sandy was a devout christian and I know that Jesus and his angels carried her up to heaven. 
Just makes you want to not put off anything that you are thinking about,
from saying "I Love You" to going on an African safari.

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