Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Back to life, back to reality" Friday 11/5

When I got up this morning at 6:15 to see Charlotte before she left for school, it was so odd. It felt so normal, and it felt like I had never been away. Not in a bad way, but just that all was the same, make the lunches, find the library books, quiz for the spelling test, and it didn't seem possible that I had experienced what I had.  The kids are great, and survived Jerry's business focused week and my being away.  Big Thanks to Karen,Rhonda,Shawne and Kim for the varying degrees of help..and always for the huge degree of friendship! That is an area that I already know I am blessed in!  Off to work from 9-5:30, "sold out" my Mother Goose Cafe by 10:15, and definitely had more fun than last week!  Perhaps it was not being hampered by the "see-through" costume that made it so great!  I enjoyed spending the evening putzing around the house, unpacking the 85 lb. Fed Ex box, doing laundry, sweeping. Hadn't been home for the evening in about 10 days and it was great. 
Take-away from the week is I need to broaden my horizons! There is a wide world out there, filled with interesting people, and I need to meet more of them.  Good thing I'm all over it already with my 49 and forward theme.  Any ideas on how to keep it going are gratefully accepted!

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