Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

GOD has blessed me that's for sure! Thank you for my home and family, for my husband's job, for my job, for the kids, for Special Olympics, for St. Pat School, friends, coffee, Marshalls, my Mom,sister and brother, HGTV, Lucky Charms, libraries and cameras..not necessarily in that order! I hope you had a wonderful day!
Well we got up at 5:15 and headed downtown! We brought all our cold weather gear because they said it was going to be cold and rainy/snowy, but thankfully they were wrong. It had stopped raining by the time we arrived and parked, and as they morning went on it got better.  the sun never came out, but the temp was around 40, so the running weather was perfect.  Guess how many people ran??  17,500.  Seriously. It was amazing!   Molly was up on the grandstand, and we all piled up behind her. She greeted the runners and wished them a good race, then said.."Runners Take Your Mark" , at that point they were supposed to blow an air horn, but they couldn't find it! So the MC takes the mic and basically hoots into it in an attempt to simulate an air horn! Hilarious! Anyway, we had time to thank our host, climb off the podium, circle down to where we could enter the start chute, and head off, in the middle of the pack.  Danny blazed the trail for the Hinckas, but no one could run for time because of the crowds(that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) Danny ran a 29:33, I ran a 29:50, Jer ran 34:57 and the girls 10K times were Charlotte 59:46, and Molly 1:04.  After a couple of hairy moments at the finish trying to round everyone up, we grabbed the free bagel and banana and headed back to the parade route.  Jack Riley of Fifth/Third Bank, who sponsors the race, had given us grandstand tickets, and they turned out to be in the TV zone, where all the groups do their best stuff in front of the cameras. It was awesome!  The Cass Tech High School band could give many other bands some serious "get down" lessons! they were my favourite band.  The parade closed with Santa, of course, and Mayor Bing gave him the key to the city.  We headed home then, after making our way through the crowds, and taking some photos(check tomorrow for pics!)  We all took hot showers and ate when we got back around 1pm. And then I put my turkey in.  Danny and I baked an apple pie together which turned out delicious, and we had a pie break around 5, followed by dinner around 7.  Danny and I started on the village, unpacking all the boxes and starting to set up.  I opened my package from Susan and it was a new piece! A pizza place and deli, which lights up, it is a perfect addition and soo Jersey!  Trying to decide if I'm going out tomorrow about you guys? Are you gonna do it?  Keep me posted!
Happy Thanksgiving to All, and may GOD continue to bless you.

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