Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday 11/21 The vacation begins....!

We went to mass last night so we got to sleep in! Yay!  Jer dug out some Taylor ham so we could have a Jersey breakfast and the kids were thrilled.  Jerry took the little darlings down to their first U of M BBall game of the year. The team they were playing was called Gardiner-something University, obviously an easy win for the U. That didn't matter to my kids though, a wins a win in their book, and they were thrilled.  Jer said there were only about 3,000 people there, so when the kids went over to the tunnel and hung their arms down, :we got a high five from every player Mom!!!"  In the big crowded games, you can't even get near the rail!  Weather is gorgeous again, certainly not like any November I've ever seen out here, we'll take it!
Tonight we did Loaves and Fishes, the traveling free dinner, which was at our church this week.  We donate food(I was on for milk, cottage cheese,cheesy spuds and a dessert),set up, greet the guests, serve, visit,  and clean-up.  It is a family volunteer opportunity, which is great.  Really makes us feel good, and hopefully the kids see that serving others is part of our obligation both as Catholics and people who are fortunate enough not to need a free meal.  God Bless all the folks who came to our meal and all the workers and their families too.

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