Monday, November 8, 2010

namaste- starting this week of peacefully

7:45 am Vinyasa Yoga class with Leeann- only 5 people in the class, so lots of room for the yoga dropout to ease back in.  Leeann makes me feel so welcome, and she really helps everyone to relax and work to their ability.  I feel great, GO ME!  Got home to find the family ready to go for a run..allrighty! Off to the metro park for a 5K run and agility training.  We all want to get in shape for the Festival 5K in a couple of weeks.  It is sunny and 60 today, crazy great weather for Nov. in Michigan.  Jer took the day off to spend with the kids, who have off for....?? and we had cronhole and ladder ball on the lawn, garage cleaning, and the annual post-Halloween pumpkin bowling down the side yard.  Whooooahhhhh!  Working to maintain the harmony in the house, trying not to fall into the "yell at me" traps Charlotte sets, or get stressed about anything.  so far so good!  Went to my knitting group,took Molly to work on her beads, we had a nice time.  Danny started BBall practice tonight with his new St. Pat's 4th grade team.  He was so tired, felt kinda bad, because we didn't know he had practice til 5pm, and we sure had alot of physical training.  But wasn't doesn't kill you...etc.

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