Monday, February 28, 2011

Last day of February-resolution time!

I have decided that March 1 is my "new" New Year! Join me! It's spring, a time to reawaken. So I'm rejoining my exercise efforts, back to running, and rejoining the purging efforts, back to throwing away,and Sally-ing.  Also more Ping-Pong. That's crucial! So forward into spring!
Went to work for a few hours this am, and finished the flannel board project, hoo-rah!  Danny is thinking about playing Lacrosse and went to  practice for 2 hours. Had my fab soup and more salad for dinner, so no effort for me! Watched the 3 or 4th week of Chicago Code, a police drama I stumbled upon on the first night is was being shown, Jennifer Beals and others, cool show. so that was fun. Temps dropping to about 10 tonight, so I could turn on the fireplace with no guilt.

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