Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tuesday 3/1/11

Can you erase your blog entry so you are not ashamed??  Cause I must confess dear readers (if there are any!) that I did not start working out today. I could give you my usual excuses...but I won't. I am still going to try to get myself going!

studious boys!
 Charlotte had the day off today, and we both were on lunch duty. Those 8th graders are getting tall and fresh! They are ready to graduate for sure. At 1pm Charlotte and I went directly to the library where she had a 2 hour meeting with a career transition person, who is trying to help us determine what Charlotte might be good at, and happy doing in her future. I didn't realize how long it would be and was "forced" to relax at the library and read Time magazine for a couple of hours. Poor me!  Great articles though, so I'm ready for my next cocktail party(do you remember that commercial they used to have?)  I picked up Danny from school at 3"45 and snagged Collin and Ryan as well. Rhonda's Dad is having an artery surgery and so the boys are staying with us for the night. What a treat, after a giant 2 hour snowball fight, they set up homework central in the library and worked like little beavers. When it came time for the 4th graders to study social studies, Collin made it into a game show and had them buzzing in with the answers.  What good kids!  I wish I had triplets!

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