Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, Monday, can't trust that day

I had a bad feeling about this, and it turns out to be true. Charlotte, after some hooky last week, refuses to go back to school.  She screams bloody murder in the kitchen, then basement, then garage.  I make an apmnt with her Doctor-sub, hers is out on maternity leave,for 10:45am. though I'm not sure why. They can never do anything for us, But off we go. the guy seems nice enough, but after you spill your guts to him, explaining how much money and time you've wasted on therapists, tried everything etc. He says,"I'm a third year resident, let me go ask my colleagues about medication changes or direction you should go in" Then returns and says,"my colleagues say you should go to a psychiatrist" Thanks for nothing! It's not that I don't believe in Psych's it's just that they never seem to help us. No one seems to be able to help us, That's the most discouraging part of all this.
Then we came home and she freaked out some more, and so did I, it was not pretty.  Got it under control and we did a bit of talking. She doesn't want to go to school anymore, no matter the play, choir  award, graduation,or any other senior activities. I asked her what she would do and she told me she'd have to have a job. and then she told me that she already has a job, at Danny's school and she likes it and is good at it.
Okay then! At least she is talking.  tomorrow I have a meeting at BHS, supposedly to plan her program for next year.  If past years are any indication, they will have nothing to share with me and no direction to suggest.  I am trying to stay positive and it is tough today.

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