Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday 2/1/11 Snow is on the way

Blizzard panic is in full swing! School has been cancelled by 6pm! We don't even need to wear our PJ's inside out! Charlotte works in the cafe today, so I have my usual shuffling Tuesday.  I called Mom in Florida and she sounds great! All went well on the trip down, and when she woke up this morning, it was 80 degrees! Mr. and Mrs. B  whipped her right off to the beach! Yay!!!
 I pick Charlotter up and  we go to Michaels and Staples to pick up the tools for my new family job and behaviour program. We have a family meeting and a chat about our new card,clipboard system. We are doing 2 chores/day and 3 other things, journal writing, reading and exercise. Also incorporating the red/yellow/green behaviour system. Jerry says I am introducing too many things, but I am optimistic!
Jer takes the kids to the early running Brighton BBall game, then Molly has a shortened chorale practice. New NCIS LA tonight so my life is sweet!  The snow starts in earnest at about 9pm. I'll let you know about the totals.

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