Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ready for my close-up? Not!!

in my haste to get ready for the Oscars tomorrow, I went nuts on the beauty treatments...slight burns on face from at home hair removal cream (what they don't tell you about menopause-you grow hair on your face! I thought it was just Italian Grandmas but apparently not!) two razors needed, one for each leg...(not my fault, remember the poison ivy? well you can't shave that!) exfoliated, and in the morning I color my 1/2 gray roots! Then, bring on the Red Carpet!  Charlotte and I are hosting a watching party, and I am obviously going to be gorgeous now!
Worked today, still slogging through the flannel board files...but seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Quick Costco run for the party food, then basically a night of vegging in front of the fire, reading gossip site posts on Charlie Sheen and Bristol Palin (not together!) random stories about that whack-job Gadhafi, top 10 places to retire, red carpet fashion, and who knows what else.  Boy it is easy to waste a night online!
The kids are at the lake with Jer and Hank, sledding, ice fishing, having winter bonfires and playing countdown, so my self indulgence is harming no one but me!

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