Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thursday 2/3/11 Another Snow Day???!

Well this news made Danny's day, since he technically missed yesterdays! We feed him up, he is starving!
I head off to a staff meeting at the library. Carla mentioned the newspaper article and everyone was very nice and supportive.  Jerry dropped Molly off for a pre-arranged playmate at Dolecki's, she already had a day off from school for teacher inservice.She loves to play there, I wish Ann would invite her over more. Danny and Scott joined the Arbours for a trip to Kensington for sledding. The weather was perfect, no wind, they had a blast. I had invited them to come back to our house for cocoa and cake. Funny story, Danny,Charlotte and I had made a cranberry coffee cake in the morning. When we were leaving to take the boys to Ryan's, I asked Jerry to take the cake out when the timer went off.  Then I get a call when Charlotte and I are in costco piking up Aunt Reg's order, "Ker, I ruined your cake, I'm so sorry" What??! Well Jerry thought it was burning, so when he took it out, he immediately turned it upside down onto a plate, and the whole cake just crumbled! Poor Jer felt terrible!  Well when I got home, it had solidified, and actually was servable, especially to Rhonda, good sport that she is, and quite tasty! We were happy and Jerry didn't have to feel so bad. No basketball tonight, so Jerry,Danny and I went to a presentation at the library on diving the Great Lakes. It was awesome! We go to watch video that made you feel like you were diving the wreck. This program was the kick-off for Livingston Reads, and the book this year is  A Superior Murder by Nevada Barr.  I put it on my reading list.

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