Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday 2/15/11

IEP day, always unpleasant. First up Charlotte and I work in Danny's cafeteria and she does her usual great job. Since today was the first day that she was not expected to go to school, there was no tantrum this am. Whew, I'll take! So she doesn't want to go to the meeting(I don't blame her, all that staff makes it feel overwhelmingly us vs. them) but Shawne kindly invites her over to play with Leah. The meeting goes so long that I'm late to pick up Danny, but we don't sign off on it. I have asked them for help with Charlotte's future plans, as I said to them, parents sometimes have either too high expectations or too low  and we need feedback.  Stay tuned FOC's a questionnaire is coming your way and you can assist us too!  They all miss Charlotte and want her to come back. I've decided that we will talk about it over the weekend, and let her relax for a couple of days. No school on Friday and Monday anyway.
I made some killer chicken and bean enchiladas for dinner! go Me!

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