Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sally's spree! It's 50% off Thursday!

whoot! who doesn't love a bargain? Danny and I spent an hour doing some browsing, and we had a blast. He has great taste ("that neckline might be a bit low for the girls") too cute! Then he and I head off to the Library, for a cool program  Icebound:Story of the SS Michigan   The gal who did the presentation started the Michigan Historical Divers Association, and has written books and produced documentaries on all the 14 wrecks she and her group have discovered and dived. The story of the SS Michigan was that it set out to rescue the stranded Oneida on Lake Michigan and became trapped in the ice pack. All 30 crew did survive, but the stories were very cool! I bought Danny a book and she autographed it.  Other highlights of the day included a long coffee talk with Shawne at Panera(thanks for listening!) and returning all my bottles and cans to wal-mart. Ah the life of a housewife!

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