Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back to school--but more snow on the way!

Hey, it's another good day!  Danny's snow burn has faded to a mild level of emabarressment red, so the bad mommy guilt has settled down!  My meeting a work was changed til tomrw, so Charlotte and I hung out this morning.  I brought her to school at 12:15 and we talked to Mrs. Rossman. She stayed for 5th and 6th period and went to play practice for a while. VICTORY! We shall see how it goes.  I am most concerned about the lunch time scene with Sam and her controling behaviour. 
I worked in Danny's library, and also got to stop in Kohls(cute $8 spring purse!) and Meijer. I picked up Danny and Charlotte and we headed home. We had a quick dance/weight workout, then started on the homework. It was a good thing that I served dinner early(turkey burgers topped with cheese and salsa, strawberris, edamame and sweet potato frys) because we got a call at %45 that the kids tryout for ByeBye Birdie was at 6pm.!  So off we went!  Danny gave a great shot at the tryout...he had to sing solo lines
(Ed Sul-i-van!) dance and do a little acting.  He had a great time and said he hopes to get a part so that he can be in a play with Charlotte. That is so sweet.  We find out on Saturday.
Mom should be on the ground in NJ now, Donnie is picking her up, and Susan is driving her home tomrw. and taking her to her Doctors apmnt.  I am looking forward to hearing about her trip.

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