Monday, February 21, 2011

12 inches! and it's heavy!

oh my! We are planning to go to the movies at 11am. with Shawne and the kids, and when Jerry and I head out to shovel at about 9:30am we were shocked at the totals. It is SOO deep! Danny and I did a bunch of sledding on the driveway and the front lawn, and shoveling too.

 As of tonight our neighborhood has not been plowed, and school has been cancelled for tomrw. The kids are very happy, told Danny he could read til "whenever" and he was thrilled.  During the course of the day we did get to the movies, Gnomeo and Juliet(cute enough but no Toy Story 3),celebrate charlotte's birthday with brownie icecream sundaes, push Shawne's car out of the neighborhood after it got stuck, play Life Twists and Turns, and watch some cool skateboarding on ESPN2.
Oh yeah, and Jer, after much delay in the Detroit airport, finally took off, came within feet of touching down in Pittsburgh, the plane in front of his skidded, the tower made Jer's plane pull up, they circled and stacked(name that movie!) and finally went to Buffalo! So now he is in a hotel there, with the earliset flight putting him into JFK for several hours, then on to Pittsburgh landing at 11pm tomrw night. the poor guy.....

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