Thursday, February 17, 2011

2/16 Charlotte is 18!

On this day, 18 years ago, in the snow, Charlotte made her appearance at 1:19pm in Ann Arbor, MI! She loves to hear the birth story every year(I edit it,don't worry!) so we recount the fender bender in the parking lot of the post office where we stop to mail the mortgage payment on 242 Jackson St., the resident who thinks I'm not in labor and keeps me waiting in the emergency room. When he finally examines me, he is shocked to find me at 8cm(told you baby doc!) and freaks out trying to get me into the birth unit. Meeting the Dr. who will deliver her while naked in the jacuzzi tub in the room(well none of my other rooms had one and I had to try it out!) and of course the happy moment when they said it was a girl, and I thought now Molly will have sister, as wonderful as my sister Susan. Hopefully they'll start to get along soon! Charlotte and I went to mass to kick off her year, and Father Karl spoke on patience, and GODS time, very appropriate for us, and what we're going through right now. Pray is powerful and change will come and we will get through this. I believe that and need to let HIM help me carry this burden.  From mass we head to Ashley Court for our communion services, and all the residents sing Happy Birthday to Charlotte, which really tickles her.  Charlotte heads home for a run, then goes out to Zukey Lake for a special lunch with Jerry. I was so happy his trip was canceled. I dash into work for 3 hours, then over to Danny's school library for my volunteer job, then home, then back to get Danny, then home, then Danny to bball practice, then home, then Molly and Jerry to church for the Knights of Columbus meeting. Whew! Molly had a chance to give a short speech, then I took her home. Jerry came home around 10 from the meeting very excited. The Knights are on board to help with fund raising for Special Olympics, and we are planning a spaghetti dinner for April.

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