Friday, February 11, 2011

Fun filled Friday!

Molly is dressed up and happily heading off to school with her cookies I baked last night at 10pm when she told me that she wanted to bring in a treat to the valentine dance! So good mama me baked some cute sugar cookies with pink and red sugar on top.  Danny was happy to head to school as well. He is doing standardized testing this week and next (Iowa tests). He and I went early to beat the traffic and enjoyed relaxing in the library for 15 minutes before school.  Charlotte is another story, we knew she wouldn't want to go, and we said we would make her, but when it came time and she was screaming bloody murder we just gave up. I know, I know, but I am beaten down.  She stayed in her room til time for mass(for Dad!) and then she stayed at St. Pats and worked the tray line at lunch. Jerry picked her up and had her stay in her room til school would have been out. Jerry picked up the jolly boys and brought them home for pizza and bobsledding! they were outside til way after dark! Then they came in for cocoa,cookies and  indoor laughing and general mayhem! I got home home from work and a quick costco run at 5"45 and Jerry headed out to the Brighton HS boys bball game(tied game with 3 minutes to go the last email update reports!) with the girls. They love to go to the sports things. New report, Brighton wins 60-57! conf. champs! Rhonda stopped by to pick up the boys and we snuck in an hour visit, which was another well needed treat for me!

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